11.07.2019 in Literature

Sacred and Secular World Essay

In the end of white house noise Jack tries to get the meaning of the killer and the dyer. This ends up confusing him and thinks of killing in order to add up to his life. In today’s life people has made it a part of life to compare sacred and secular in each every day happenings. Just like Delillo people try to get secular and sacred meaning from daily happenings. For instance people associate church with morality. This is not always true and may lead people a stray as some people go to church with bad intentions.

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In the modern society that is full of evil it is possible to find that not all people in a church are morally right .Due to poverty thieves can find their way to church for it is the least place you can expect your  money to get lost. Thieves take advantage of this to sneak in to your pocket and steal while in prayers. In today’s world people associate riches with God blessings. In this you find most committed Christians do not work hard to earn their livelihood but instead they keep praying for blessings this has lead to high levels of poverty. Church leaders always associating poverty with lack of giving back to God may lead people a stray.

In the contemporary society people associate money with happiness. This is not always the case as there are things that can not be bought. This leads to people working hard to get money forgetting their families and neglecting them .This results to children getting lost for lack of moral guidance from their parents and parental love. In today’s community women has become overwhelmed in such for the true meaning of love. They end up searching its meaning in watching soap operas or reading books associated with love .This leads them a stray as it is not always true in real life what happens in the soap operas. These are people ideas which may not work out in real life.

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