26.02.2024 in

Wedding as a Memorable Event in My Life

Every person has memorable events in his or her life that can change them, influence them greatly, or leave unforgettable impressions. I must admit that I am a happy person as I have many occasions, and they are related to my family and close friends. Frankly speaking, earlier I was very skeptical about any celebrations as they demanded time and effort and presupposed the gathering of many people, noise, and mess. However, after my sister’s wedding, I realized that such parties were necessary to reunite families, cheer, leave positive memories, and entertain from the everyday routine. Consequently, my sister’s wedding was the brightest occasion and memorable event in my life as it had changed my perception of family life and relationships between people.

The marriage of my sister happened in May last year. However, I remember it as if it were today. It was the most auspicious ceremony as my sister had been preparing for it for a long time, involving her friends, relatives, and specialists organizing weddings. We belong to a traditional family; therefore, my sister’s wedding was like a family and religious festival. It means that the church ceremony was the most festive part of the wedding. Thus, my sister felt responsible for having it in the church visited by our family. Earlier, I did not suppose my family was friendly as we had differences in our opinions and attitudes. However, the preparations for that wedding proved that everybody wanted to support and help my sister on such a memorable day.

Before the wedding, we sent invitations to the guests, and they were handmade to show the importance and personal meaning of that occasion. For me, it was like a game, but my sister followed the wedding invitation tradition to attract the attention of all guests. Moreover, she followed the general conception of the wedding by making the invitations pink and colorful.

At the wedding, the biggest admiration deserved the church ceremony. Most of all, I was impressed with the bridal party entrance where bridesmaids and groomsmen were dressed in the same suits and dresses, and the prevailing color in their clothes was pink, which only reinforced the tender feelings of the couple. My sister was dressed in a long white silk gown that underlined her slender figure and sophisticated taste. It was the white wedding type which originated from the color of the bride’s gown. Consequently, it took time to design that dress and express my sister’s taste. She wanted that dress to become evidence of her wedding and be passed down to her daughter. It means that my sister implemented her heart and soul into that occasion.

However, the clothes were less important compared to the sights of my sister and her groom; they could not stop looking at each other. Their sights were full of love, tenderness, and passion, and I realized that their feelings were genuine. Moreover, when my sister walked down the aisle with our father, I saw their tears of happiness and excitement that made the wedding a truly family holiday. As for my mother, she was not less thrilled than my father; I noticed love, admiration, and happiness in her life. I understood that they wished their children happiness.

The symbolic part of that wedding was the throwing of uncooked rice that symbolized fertility. At first sight, one could think that such small details could be omitted. However, indeed, such small traditions reinforced the importance of the occasion. Another part of the wedding that brought me much pleasure was when all guests gathered for giving gifts, eating, and drinking and expressed their best wishes to the newlywed couple. They were personal, spiritual, religious, serious, and funny, and they opened up a lot about my sister and her husband. Consequently, a wedding is not a holiday or celebration; it is the possibility to see and understand the family in another way and learn to appreciate it. Moreover, their decision to get married convinced me that love was necessary to build a family, understand the partner, commit to life, and accept each other completely. Touching on tradition was another aspect of the wedding that made that day memorable and helped to revitalize them in our family.

My sister’s wedding was like a theater play as there was a minister who involved guests in doing something, singing, and saying. Thus, he managed to set the necessary mood and entertain the guests in a proper way. The wedding celebration was based on ceremony activities, ceremony songs, and wedding readings. One should say that the vows of the newlywed couple were the most thrilling as their words of love were not empty promises but serious intentions which they wanted to implement in life.

In conclusion, one should say that my sister’s wedding was the brightest occasion that was well-planned and organized according to my sister’s taste, family, and wedding traditions that were accompanied by the participation of relatives and close friends. That wedding was the memorable event in my life as it gathered all members of my family, revitalized many memories, and united everybody with joy and happiness. That wedding had changed my perception of family life and relationships between people. I understood that love, tenderness, and mutual respect were the most essential feelings, and if they were genuine, one could notice them even at the wedding.

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