Artificial Intelligence Essay Writing
How to Begin
Selecting a topic is the initial step you will take when working on an artificial intelligence essay. The topic should be familiar to the writer. It should be equally interesting to the reader. Ensure that the topic of your artificial intelligence essay is relevant and up-to-date. Do not write on anything that has been discussed a thousand times in literature. Provided below is an example of a strong introduction for your artificial intelligence essay.
Example of an essay introduction:
Technology has had a considerable impact on the way people manage their interpersonal relations. Most humans have become particularly dependent on their technologies, including smartphones, the Internet, computers, laptops, and tablet applications. MMoreover, at the beginning of the 21st century, technologies are becoming particularly ubiquitous, and it is possible to assume that the dependence on technologies will become much more severe in the coming years. As new technologies are created, so are the artificial intelligence applications, which empower gadgets to fulfill complex tasks without a human touch. Artificial intelligence is a combination of human and machine skills, creating a completely new reality for the human race. Unfortunately, not everyone can understand the meaning of artificial intelligence. Not everyone can control the artificial intelligence processes affecting their lives.”
Writing a Thesis
Once you are done with your introduction, you will need to provide a strong thesis statement. It flows logically from the introduction and provides your readers with a better understanding of the main argument. You will follow the thesis when you are working on the body paragraphs of your artificial intelligence essay.
Example of an artificial intelligence thesis:
“Artificial intelligence can take several different forms, and, of course, each type of artificial intelligence application will serve a distinct purpose and function. For example, if you talk of narrow artificial intelligence, it is best suited to promote the effectiveness of the most basic and simplest tasks. Such tasks may include but not necessarily limited to voice commands. Face recognition is another task involving narrow intelligence. In the meantime, general artificial intelligence is used to perform more sophisticated and complicated functions. These are the applications used in gadgets to make them user-friendly. For example, these applications make gadgets understand your language. They include certain functions that only humans have: for example, driverless cars use general artificial intelligence systems to avoid collisions on the road without human assistance. Without any questions, it is with the help of artificial intelligence that the lives of humans become much easier.”
Writing the Body of an Artificial Intelligence Essay
Now it is time to pay attention to body paragraphs. Each body paragraph must be structured according to the same predetermined pattern. Firstly, it is a topic sentence. Secondly, it is evidence. Thirdly, it is a transitional sentence. Each paragraph should be devoted to the analysis of only one essay point. For example, the first body paragraph is devoted to the description of various types of artificial intelligence. The second body paragraph narrows down the topic and discusses the advantages and disadvantages of a specific type of artificial intelligence. Both paragraphs provide readers with enough information to help them decide if they want to support artificial intelligence and use its applications in practice. Finally, the last paragraphs may include a writer’s response to the rapid development of artificial intelligence applications. They may also include a thorough evaluation of the author’s biases. Provided below are the examples of each body paragraphs. Follow the pattern to create a bright artificial intelligence essay on your own!
Body paragraphs examples:
First example: “One can find numerous applications for an artificial intelligence system. No matter how the application functions, it can be quite useful in a variety of human situations. In all respects, artificial intelligence is a huge advantage to humans due to its accuracy and precision. It is free of human bias and is less prone to commit mistakes. This is why artificial intelligence has become so popular in difficult tasks. It is also gaining prominence in situations where humans can expose themselves to health and life risks. For example, it is easier and more cost-effective to send a robot to the space for research and exploration activities than to have a human trained and sent with a team of colleagues. Of course, if anything happens, the robot will no longer be suitable for use. However, these losses are incomparably less significant than the loss of even a single human life, particularly when such losses occur during peaceful times.”
Second example: “Although artificial intelligence is becoming more popular among people around the world, many others still believe these applications to be too complex or too dangerous. Some people even unite in interest and political groups to promote a message of danger due to the growing popularity of artificial intelligence. Conspiracy is one of the most popular subjects in artificial intelligence research – thousands of people think that robots have come to conquer the world and destroy the humanity. At the same time, many people dream of seeing a new reality around them. They want to see more robots and machines doing regular tasks such as making a medication prescription, carrying out a physical assessment of the patient admitted to an emergency department, or regulating the traffic in road accidents and traffic congestion situations. One should not fear that people will lose their jobs due to the growing number of robots. Although some jobs are becoming obsolete, more people are needed to provide service and maintenance functions and keep these systems running. Unfortunately, it will take a great deal of time and money to teach robots do the human job. It will also be difficult to get used to the omnipresence of robots that lack human intelligence and feelings.”
Third example: “More companies gradually realize the dangers inherent in using artificial intelligence systems. Facebook is the most recent example of a company that decided to close its artificial intelligence system. The company’s specialists noted that the robots created to enhance the functionality and efficiency of the Facebook application went further to create their own language. That was the language Facebook specialists could not understand and interpret. As such, the common fear that artificial intelligence will outperform humans is not unsubstantiated. Actually, humans should be aware of the dangers accompanying artificial intelligence and make steps to address them before they lead to a tragedy. Of course, Facebook issued an official apology, but it could hardly make people forget the incident. Most users will keep fearing the consequences of artificial intelligence use in social media, unless they have guarantees that robots will not compromise their interests.”
Writing a Conclusion
Now you can devote some time to writing the final component of your artificial intelligence essay. It is a conclusion in which you wrap up the main argument and summarize the information you have provided in the body of the paper. Keep your conclusion short. Do not omit important information. You may include some self-reflection to help your readers understand your viewpoint. Review the example paragraph below to see how the conclusion of your artificial intelligence essay may look. Conclusion example for your artificial intelligence essay: “Technology is a significant part of the lives of many individuals, whether they live in the United States or Bangladesh. Everyone knows what the Internet is and how it works. However, even the most advanced artificial intelligence applications cannot replace humans. The latter should assume full responsibility for their daily decisions and actions. At the same time, the advantages of artificial intelligence should not be manipulated or abused to achieve the desired result. Humans are here to make this world better, and artificial intelligence is nothing but a supplementary component of this continuous progress.”
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