11.07.2019 in Review

Periodical Reviews Sample

A periodical is a term used to refer to print or electronic publications involving separately written articles or other short works and usually issues at regular interviews. There are mainly four types of periodicals. They include scholarly or research journals, trade or professional journals, popular magazines and comparison charts. These reviews to be incorporated greatly encompass educational leadership, Education Today,   Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development and finally National Parent Teacher Association.

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            Educational leadership demands a capacity building at all levels to enhance student learning and a boost in the overall performance of the students.  The pervasive consent on outcome based answerability has created a fresh confrontation for educational leadership. It is common that the current assumptions about teaching and learning, as well as structures that are deeply embedded in much of the contemporary schooling are subject to challenge.  Despite the many affirmations from educational professionals to the converse, it gives the impression that so far many schools, especially high schools still maneuver using the conventional structures and approaches of deliverance which were prevalent in the pre-technological era.

Such approaches and structures for a long period fail to take into concern the holistic and integrating nature of knowledge for the roles of the learners and integrating nature of knowledge for the lives of learners and moral development of students. The most negative part of the concealed curriculum for the students is that they have acquired training on giving up a great deal of delicate control and they over and over again experience a philosophical intellect of disenfranchisement

Journals on educational leadership and management usually contribute to the fragment nature of scholarship. While they may advance in superior examples of a person’s scholarly work, journal contributors at times treat have a negating treat to the people they do not have a common agreement with.

This negative view of schools and schooling presents a challenge for educational leaders, who have a specific responsibility to use learning opportunities to promote the good of students as well as that of the community. There is a need to reform the students to be faithful; leaders ready to take responsibilities that could be presented amid them.

            A journal titled, do home language math journals help improve math achievement in High School helped much in investigating the student performance in relation to the use of the journals on mathematics. There was some suggestion from the teachers that although the mathematics journal aided much in student understanding in the subject and ensured that some time was saved for the teachers, there was a possibility that supplementary time was required by the teachers to give meaningful review and feedback to the students involved (Reeves, 2008). All the teachers taking part in the review came into a consent that vowed to add more meaning to the students in the use of the journals and improve the performance in the subject, which played a major role in the students’ future.

            The research on found that the improvement of the leadership regarding the improvement in the subject entailed three aspects on the use of the journal. First, the math journal required some prior testing to that could have made it more reliable and friendly with the users. There was also some requirement on the journal that dealt with familiarity and professional development on the math journal before making it available and usable to the students. The third requirement involved soliciting narrative feedback from the students about their experience with the use of the mathematic journal.

            This review in effect shows how the journal could have helped to improve a better perception of the subjects by the students. The implementation of math journal in high school is positively associated with high improvements in student academic achievement. The math journal is viewed as providing an influence to the net improvement of student performance in the subject. The general finding is that the mathematics journal was directly correlated to providing a positive change in the student performance, and hence an advocating of its incorporation. 

            The review is with the aim of extending the use of the journal into making it useful and more reliable to the students in their use that could improve the net performance in the subject. The review into the journal is also geared towards provision of more explicit adaptations for the learners in special education and those who employ the second-language in their school work. This will hence show that at the end, a world with leaders and academic excellence is ensured for all irrespective of the challenges that the learners might face in their life. The home language math journal provides an improvement in student achievement. This was hence left for open viewing to get more reliable conclusion.

A review on Education Today focuses on the production of high quality peer-reviewed journals. The international contributors on the matters of education provide most of the current issues on the nature and modes of education. Many parents usually take their children with the aim of doing well in schools and be better people in the future.

            The United States magazine of science, art manufactures and agriculture published an article that focused on school and how the leadership tactics could be employed and implemented. There was a committee formation that formed a legislature to procure the passage of law authorizing the Board of Education to organize New York free Academy. The legislature was at long last formed which on November through the establishment of the new constitution t provide guidelines on the requirements of the school and the terms to which the students were to comply to.

            The school initially depended on the number of students that ha earlier been admitted into the school from the various learning institutions of the school, with whom their qualifications were to be fully tested and though there was enormous doubt in the qualifications of the students, all doubts were at last wiped out through the excellent performance that the students out showed after the test.

            In order to advance the interests of the situation and entice the students into higher efforts in their career, there has been immense presentation of presents with the aim of motivating the students in order to move to higher academic excellence.

            Considerations of the best performance in regard to the domain of studies, the demand of the institution and the necessity of some experience in the free academy education furnished supplementary reasons for that delay in the stable organization of the learning institution. The publication established that despite the initial qualifications that had the students performance poor at the start, their academic performance could be improved and be to higher heights. It was also established that the students’ future could not be reflected from their past. They therefore, pre-supposed that through the correct tactics employment in the students, they could change into being better people through the education that could make them better leaders into the past.

            Although before the initiation of the free Academy the performance was not all that assured, there was a proof of change after the establishment of the academy. The performance was moved into greater heights. This was to some extent due to the educational leadership employed in the school and the motivation that was accorded to the students through the education board and the teachers at large. The students were therefore able to use the current teachings instilled I them by the teachers to being better people I their career world and through advanced and better career choices.

                        Leadership development programs are initiated with the aim of teaching people in management or any other leadership programs to deal successfully with those that they will be required to exercise their leadership roles on. This an be best achieved if originating from the root of the training especially through instilling the better knowledge and competence to people from the early stages, such as students.

            Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development has ensured students success through how well the students interests are well integrated into the curriculum taught in the various schools. This calls for the teachers’ emphasis and incorporation f all the students interests in the lessons that they teach, if at all success is to be realized. Curriculum integration helps the teachers plan their lessons around the interests of the students. 

            There has been substantial conclusion from previous research that many people underestimate themselves, even through minute tasks that they are capable of carrying out comfortable. This has to a greater extent taken the young people, who view themselves as incapable of performing many tasks and responsibilities, some of which are simple and are easily performed by people despite their ages. Recent research showed that the young people, especially in high schools, have more often than not fallen victims of these notions.

                        The ultimate goal in the long last is having a coexistence in which people  could have the power and the quench of leading people according to the preferred data and information continually inculcated into the people through whom the seminars and the magazines are presented to. Through the review, there are great positive change s in the leaderships through the educational trainings especially in schools and change the mentality of the students into being reformed into better future leaders.

            School leaders in many countries are facing major challenges through the rising expectation for schools and schooling in a century that is being characterized by inventions through technological innovations. Many countries have the aims of transforming their education systems to transform people the education system, with the aim of developing the young peoples with the knowledge and skills required and demanded for a healthy coexistence in the changing world. Effective school leadership is also viewed as the key to large-scale education reform and the improved educational reform, successfully through the integration of the curriculum and timely supervisions.

            There have also been current reports that have to substantial extent had impacts and recommendations into what is required for the leadership tactics in the educational systems. Leadership in educational studies can be brought to surface through the examination of research and theory and how it interrelates with the education policy context. Optimization of learning and teaching in schools is basically seen to be in the reach of any student and teacher in the learning institution in which there are jointly many systemic changes which demand urgent confrontations.

             The report also showed that an enlarged networking between schools; locally, nationally and internationally to share knowledge , achievements and knowledge with the aim of enriching the educational opportunities for all students and teachers, was a sure past and consideration in which the prevailing leadership mentality could be changed and renovated. This therefore, left great role to he teachers and the students to coexist and improve the educational trainings in the world, and help the school goers to shun all the negative perceptions about whatever aspect that could be lingering in their minds.

            The national association between parents and teachers devised some standards that were geared towards increasing the involvement of parents into the children education. It highlighted some procedures that were important for the teachers if at all their improvement in the schools and the future leadership techniques were to take a different useful course. The guidebook greatly encompassed the ways in which the parent’s involvement in the student education could ensure improved performance, and the extent to which the feasibility would be realized.

            The six standards included the following: regular two way meaningful communication between home and school, Promotion and sustenance of parenting skills, an active p[aren’t participation in the students learning process. It also included the inclusion of parents as volunteer associates in the schools, the involvement of parents in the decision of the schools pertaining to the students wellbeing and lastly the outreach to the community for resources too reinforce the school performance through the schools.

            The effective inclusion of the six guidelines with the parents and teachers could depict some improvement in the wellbeing of the students and increase their accountability in the leadership scenarios. These guidelines show some potential success as so far they have been endorsed by more than thirty national education and parent involvement in the organizations. The standards are very important to people who even value the superiority of education. The National parent teachers association asserts some emphasizes on the embrace of the standards which could immensely boost child performance through healthy coexistence.

            The involvement of parents in the studies of the children and their consistent collaboration within the educators has been of help and has in effect brought a positive remark and change in the education. Many of the children’s performance has improved drastically as the parents become the tutors to the children when need be and their encouragement in homes to improve their performance has over time impacted positively to the performance. Most of this impact is known to have substantially originated from the embrace of the standards that were devised by the association.

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